Jason Jiovani's active drift racing blog with videos, pictures, and build up information.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

School Days

When I’m not at the track, I’m usually found in a classroom substitute teaching. Every now and then a student will see my computer and comment on the background image being a “cool car” and I say “Thank you, it’s mine.” This is normally a “Yeah, right!” moment or something similar.  This particular day, I knew I would be returning the next day for the same class. And since I was at a high school where the students start getting interested in cars (typically I work in middle schools), I was struck with an idea…
Tomorrow I should drive the race car to work. I made a post about it on the FanPage and it got a great deal of attention with shares and thousands of LIKEs on the various re-posts. After checking with the school, I borrowed All American Street Car Performance GoPro and had my plan. (Video below) Due to privacy laws, I could not photo or video tape the students.

High School starts at 7:05am… so I had to leave at about 5am. I knew time would go fast. First was getting to the trailer storage, then hooking up the truck, moving it, unloading it and repacking the trailer. Finally, our adventure could begin. It was going to be a long day so I needed some energy. Where else would I go, but a local McDonalds for some breakfast burritos and OJ. We made our way to school and parked right up front.
As I am walking in I stop to watch some reactions. The first group of students that noticed it walked by me talking about how that car “is prolly some Asian kids car.”  LOL

The students in my class noticed it as well. Every class had students checking that it was in fact mine. Even had some finish work early and come chatted with me about the car and drifting. After school there was a decently large crowd around the car. Even a few that had their own 240sx’s. The funniest guy actually had skipped school this day and his buddy had told him he needed to come up. He seemed like the guy who knows the most among his friends, but still had his own information wrong. He quizzed me on why the car wasn’t an RB motor… why LS?  I started it, and ended that debate.
After almost 45 minutes I had to go, and left for some more fun. I visited my fiancée, Hazel’s, work. Working with elementary aged kids at a recreation center, many of the kids have seen a picture of my car. Skeptical as always, they didn’t believe her. So when I showed up driving it…. they FREAKED OUT and were asking for autographs! They really thought she was making it up and now were super jazzed to see it true.

We took the LONG WAY home to enjoy the car as much as possible. Right before loading up, I learned my car can make a u-turn on a typical 2 lane neighborhood road. Siiiiiiiiiiiick!!!!

Watch the trip here: 

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