Jason Jiovani's active drift racing blog with videos, pictures, and build up information.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

JDMUps: This is a BattleGround!!

This past Saturday was a local competition with a driver's list of about 45 drifters. The event was hosted by JDM Ups.com at Central Florida Racing Complex. The venue is rather small and JDM Ups was putting on their first drift event. With others pitching into overcome the lack of organization, I helped design a fun course in the area we had. I then went to install new rear brakes on the car and get it to tech. I was really here to test out the new Project Mu rear D1-Spec brake pads I got (trying to solve this handbrake problem). Tech in, head to drivers meeting.... there isn't one? So I helped staff call over the drivers and helped put on a driver's meeting and organize the run groups somewhat.

We get it under way, with the first group to staging. Then I find out that a judge is changing the course too a 100% new setup. It was changed to a 1.5 turn course. The course was one sweeper, and one flick to the left. It is what it is.

First run up, handbrake works 100% better and its awesome. I pull off many clean runs (actually didn't spin once all day), and we head into qualifying. Now this wasn't FormulaD so there is a lot of newer drivers, but the prize money of $500 is one of the biggest Florida has ever had. I was really aiming for that after taking the big hit of blowing the first motor. My qualifying run was really nice, smooth, on clips, and great angle. I was guaranteed a spot as barely anyone was pulling off clean runs.

Due to the lack of caged cars, this was a solo competition, and only a Top10 were to be chosen. The judges, Taylor and Mike, decide its fair enough to just judge by "pass" or "fail" instead of real scores. Whatever, they are determined to make this event a joke, holding signs up like "Blow Your Motor" and "You Fail" and other sayings to all drivers. While in good fun, the signs, coupled with the lack of serious judging, made this event just tumble from anything respectable in my eyes.

Results from judging, somehow I didn't make Top10, but others who traditionally would have zeros from their efforts, made it in. Spins or incomplete runs...

I ask the judges what they are doing and how do they see it as fair. They respond by saying that "You run was just a typical run, nothing exciting.... these guys are really going for it and trying to be crazy. Besides this event is a joke and who cares" Really? 0's for scores in a competition for $500 is a joke?? I have lost all respect from me as judges. This kind of thing is killing drifting. It seems they are in it because they can be and not because they actually want to be.

I stayed and after the competition, we were allowed to tandem with cars if we were caged. Me and 3 other drivers did about 7 runs in a 4 car tandem line, switching positions, putting on the best part of the day for the crowd. Funny as it may be, all 3 were in the Top10 without me.

The event turned into a joke by those with the power to do so. I'm just happy I got to tandem with some cool guys and that the newly purchased Project Mu D1 Spec pads were a great success.

Here is a short video of a practice run, trying to feel the grip in the course and the setup. Later in the day I was able to enter faster and more throttle through the course as we adjusted tire pressures.

I'm trying my best to pull together enough support to make the East Coast Bash at the end of May. After taking a month off work to build the car, then losing the money on the blown motor, and then not winning money at Atlanta, and then again at JDM Ups, I'm really not able afford the 20hour drive right now. If you are able to contribute to the trip, please let me know and together we can all make this event possible. I am trying everything I can to make it, I hope my heart and dedication showed through in my efforts to make Atlanta.

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